In 1874 Modest Mussorgsky attended a posthumous exhibition of his close friend artist Victor Hartman. and was profoundly moved by it.Mussorgsky set down his impressions in a composition of 10 tonal'pictures'. There is no evidence of any
surviving works that resemble these 'pictures', only similarities. It is rather the imaginative and creative processes whereby the conception of a man of talentmay be turned into the tonal conception of a man of genius. Exactly 146 years later the processes again are transposed from the tonal conceptions back into the original
original art form of visual conception. I too have been deeply moved, for the love between these two great men,(one exalted, one forgotten) is surely felt through every tonality and every dissonance. Today these works have been recovered through the years of researching them and the creativity of artist/composer J Lawrence Abrams,
Each of Abrams paintings are titled exactly as Mussorgsky's tonal 'pictures' and in the same order. I now present to you "Pictures at an Exhibition".